This summarizes a selection of applications for Experimental Radio license, and for Special Temporary Authority, received by the FCC during January 21-25: radar, spacecraft telemetry, cognitive radio, modulation/demodulation techniques.
Raytheon Missile Systems files an application and supporting exhibit requesting Special Temporary Authority to use Freewave radios on an aircraft in support of a test to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of aircraft radar. The plan is to transmit the position information from the tracked aircraft to the tracking aircraft, and verify that the position information determined by the radar is in sync with the actual position of the tracked aircraft. (1.35-1.39 GHz)
Orbital Sciences files an application for Special Temporary Authority to operate an S-band telemetry link in support of satellite launch vehicle testing. The link will communicate from ground with the NASA Track and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). (2211 MHz)
BAE Systems files an application and supporting exhibit for a new Experimental Radio license for operation on 290 and 391 MHz. The testing involves the development and evaluation, under a DARPA contract, of an experimental RF waveform and demodulation protocol. A prototype system will be demonstrated in which users use the same spectrum at the same time without any centralized control or infrastructure. BAE calls it a “new paradigm of interfering on purpose” that is intended to enhance system performance and throughput of the communications system. BAE expects that systems built in this manner will not need to rely upon spatial, temporal, or frequency orthogonality among users to keep signals from interfering.
Virginia Tech files an application and supporting exhibits to operate a multi-point indoor radio experimental network called CORNET. CORNET is described as an open cognitive radio network testbed that will allow evaluation of independently-developed cognitive radio engines, sensing techniques, applications, protocols, performance metrics, and algorithms in a real-world wireless environment. The system will have 48 nodes distributed among 4 floors. Testing will be done on various frequencies between 138 and 3600 MHz.