Wi-Fi Alliance reports some consensus from its Wi-Fi/LTE-U Coexistence Test Workshop

In a November 20 FCC filing, the Wi-Fi Alliance reported on recent meetings with FCC staff on the subject of Wi-Fi/LTE-U coexistence. The Alliance says consensus was reached on the following points at its November 4 Coexistence Test Workshop:

  • The LTE-U specification can be further refined to provide greater clarity, and recent updates to the specification are a good step forward
  • A broader set of test scenarios than currently exists is likely necessary to test LTE-U’s fairness to Wi-Fi
  • Stakeholders are committed to collaborating within Wi-Fi Alliance to develop an industry agreed test regimen for LTE-U devices

A follow-up workshop is scheduled for the week of February 8.

In LTE-U, different companies can come away with different views of the same event. We’ll see if these consensus points hold.

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